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000724_owner-lightwav…bcom.webcom.com_Mon Jul 31 17:06:45 1995.msg
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Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 19:50:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: "J. David Johnson" <jdavid@infinet.com>
X-Sender: jdavid@rigel
To: DanEsmond@aol.com
Cc: artworx@tpa.cent.com, lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Subject: Re: JG's LWPro editor's message.
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On Mon, 31 Jul 1995 DanEsmond@aol.com wrote:
> support chips. On the other hand, the machine is also incapable
> of running OS/2 Warp for the same reason it won't run NT. So I
> guess the blame actually falls on Intel for selling chips that are NOT
> 100% IBM compatible.
> Mitac Customer Service/Technical Support
> ( 800 ) 285-5974
> turn off internal caching, but then everything happens at about 1/4
> speed.
Well Dan, in a way your right, the design of the board may indeed be the
problem WITH THE BOARD...
However, if I were to sell you a new car, a high end sportscar, and you
took it home to find out that it's engine was a 4 cylinder, then I'm at
fault. You would be correct to assume that the Lamborghini I sold you
would have an awesome engine and that indeed it would be fast.
Whether I knew the engine was a 4 cyl or not is irrelevant... I sold you
something that does not meet your needs, and am aware that if you had
been aware of the boards limitations you WOULD NOT have purchased the
same. That is a "Sucker" policy and cannot be tolerated.
The correct policy would be to offer a similar model that does work, your
money back so that you may go to a dealer that handles such a board, or,
if a higher model is available and DOES work with NT then offer you that
board at the price difference with free shipping. A business with
foresight might even say yo you:
We apologize for our oversight, we should have asked if you wanted to run
NT. Tell you what, we'll offer you the better board at our cost. Oh
yeah, ONE CATCH, tell everyone you know that we care about our customers
and realize their importance.
Imagine the power of your message if that had been the case:
Gee, they really made sure I wasn't left in the dust and even lost a
little money in the process, I strongly recommend...
I tried to call a mintue ago but got an answering system.
But rest assured I will call, and again would like to ask that anyone
else who is appauled by such a display of indifference to those who pay
their checks, call them and tell them that you refuse to do business with
a company like that.
J. David - Video GT
"J. David Johnson" <jdavid@infinet.com> sent this message.
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